Thursday, 25 February 2016

We saw it!!

We were on the road and Mum pulled over to watch the Flying Scotsman go through our village.

Dad went off somewhere earlier to see it so I am sure we will get a few (?) more photos later.

Breakfast visitor

Look who dropped onto our deck this morning

Mum thinks it is the village pheasant who has been around for a couple of years - if not it is his replacement!  I have heard him in the fields and even seen him walking down the street before but never in my garden!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Day Out

We had a day out today with Dad .. one of our last with him for a while during the week as he is back out earning biscuit money next week.

We went to Hodsock priory which is known for its snowdrop walks at this time of year and bluebells later in May.  Two cameras came out today which means Mum got a few photos before heading back to us - we had to wait in the car but had a lovely walk along a bridleway next to the woods.

Here are a couple of her efforts

Using the Macro feature (which Dad doesn't have apparently!)

Not a snowdrop, but an interesting tree trunk ...

then she started to get a bit 'arty'

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Chilly Morning

A beautiful sunny, frosty and chilly morning for our walk at Clumber today.

It was the old gang back together - Mum, Murphy and Me as Dad had to go away today.  He is back this evening and hopefully won't grab me for a cuddle like he did last night.  I don't mind giving cuddles, but as you can see I did feel a little vulnerable here.

Here is a much nicer photo of Murphy taken yesterday.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Always a good sign to see snowdrops.

We came across these on Lime Tree Avenue at Clumber today.  Great walk, loads of smells about after the rain yesterday, then home for pancakes for lunch .. for the hoomans I should add, not us.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Where's Merlin?

My trademark ultra hairy ears have disappeared this morning.

Mum says I look loads better, but now the rest of me looks extra hairy so it's 10 minutes a day on the grooming table for me this week.  So not looking forward to that.