...... well maybe not the Kennel Club breed standard but here is what works for me and my friends
General Appearance - Head on top, at front, nose pointing forward, tail at back, leg in each corner.
Characteristics - Full of fun and mischief. MUST be included in ALL family activities.
Temperament - Quiet and reserved. (Believe that, you’ll believe anything!!)
Head & Skull - Contains the important bit that can think a lot, especially when in own interests to do so!
Ears - Can be open or shut. This is an extremely useful feature when you don’t want to do something.
Mouth - Something of a necessity for eating and drinking.
Neck - Welshies have a lot of this!
Forequarters - The longer the better as this means you can get muddy paw prints as high as possible on your human’s clothes.
Body - Can be curled up very small, especially when there’s only a tiny space left on the settee. (You can stretch out and get rid of the other occupants later!)

Feet - These are essential for standing up. Preferably four, one at the end of each leg.
Gait/Movement - Happy, bouncy, permanent four paw drive, often turbo-charged.
Coat - Most comfortable when wet and smelly. (This is best achieved by rolling in ‘stuff’ AFTER being brushed)
Colour - Supposedly red and white, but often brown and mud.
Size - Immaterial, especially when the rest is so good.
Faults - None. You cannot improve on perfection!