Friday, 27 May 2016

Trying something new


This week, Mum and Aunty Debbie had what I am told, and looks from the pictures, a very enjoyable afternoon at Alford Potttery where they 'learnt' to throw a pot.

Now I've seen Mum throw dummies and she is useless, but thankfully for her the kind of throwing she was doing was very different to that.  It's all to do with wheel speed and centering apparently.

and lots of concentration

The finished articles - or those that were suitable - are to be glazed and fired so we won't see them for a few weeks, but here they are  at the end of the day

Can I just say I hope none of these are meant to be for me to use as a new dinner bowl as they look quite small.  Maybe for those extra treats ...?

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Another addition to the family

Murphy is getting worried that the next thing Mum brings home may move around a lot and have a waggly tail.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Home visit

On Sunday I went back to where I was born in Derbyshire for a visit and for Dad to take some photos of my breeder Anne's other dogs.

I also got to see my sister Plover which was great fun.  We had a big play in the garden together and it was just like old times.  
This is the two of us in July 2009 when we were about 12 weeks old

and this is us now.  Don't we look grown up!

Of course Dad took loads of pics and is still busy sorting them out but here are two of the 'big girls'

Wraith the Deerhound who is now 9 years old

and Cloud the retired Greyhound who we think is almost 12 years old.

Sunday, 8 May 2016


What a warm weekend so far, even for Tayto.

Sunday, 1 May 2016


Finally, Mum has got around to updating some of the stuff on our website.  Still a bit to do but it is looking better already ....