A new year is here and I have got control of the laptop keyboard for a while to kick start the new year and my blog.
It has been a long time since I posted - can it be July - and a lot has happened over the last 6 months or so, not least that we lost our beloved Murphy in September.
He was the grand age of fourteen and although is not actually here anymore, he is with us every day ..in fact we can't miss him as we have this lovely drawing of him on the wall in the lounge.
The lovely lady Clare who did it captured him completely and we are all so grateful for the time we had with him and the great memories we have.
Mena has continued to be herself over the last few months - sometimes a very good girl and other times not so much and living up to her nickname of Mena Moo! She was entered for a class at the Southwell Ploughing Match in September which was unfortunately cancelled at the last minute so Mum took her out in her own trailer (oh yes, we have one of those now) and she looks right at home.
I have recently been on a boat to Ireland (at least they took me with them!) but the least said about that experience the better. Mum said it was a very calm crossing (she is not a sailor) but still felt a bit weird to me.