Friday, 12 August 2011

Murphy writes ...

Merlin is in the garden at the moment busy checking everything is where he left it last night so I've stolen his loggy-in thing to let you know what we did yesterday.

We had a quiet but interesting day watching a man fit a new window to our car.  Sandra had managed to make a big dent in the windscreen on our way back from 4 Paws on Tuesday and we were worried that if she couldn't get it fixed in time we might not be able to go to the beach on Saturday.  (Rumour has it that there will be special biscuits for all us dogs.)  Thankfully the nice man came to the house yesterday and its all fixed.

After dinner Sandra took me to a training class - I haven't been to one of those since I passed my Kennel Club Good Citizen Gold about 3 years ago.  I was a little bit unsure of everything when we arrived, but after a bit of a woof I settled in fine.  I met Charlotte!  She was really nice and asked me if I was going to be like Merlin and a bit scared of her - Sandra said no I was a much better behaved boy.

We spent the evening doing agility which I love.  We had jumps -I learned how to turn a corner quickly although I'm still not sure why I need to be so quick about things.  We also had weave poles, a tunnel and other stuff.  It was great fun and I'm hoping I will go back next week although I think that's just for obedience and not fun.

Anyway, must go now as I can hear Merlin coming back and he might get jealous that I'm on his 'puter.