Monday, 14 November 2011

Busy Sunday

Phew, I'm tired today after a busy day yesterday, AND it started early.  Mum and I went to gundog training at 9.30 yesterday morning - only just time for Mum's breakfast before we left AND Murphy got to stay in bed.  Holly and Milly were at training as well as Charlie (he's a black Labrador who's really fast and hard to catch when playing chase).  We had a surprise too when Charlotte's Mum joined us with Inka who is a very pretty 4 month old black Labrador and a lot slower than Charlie!
We did lots of heel work, recall and stopping to a whistle before we went out into the big field to do some hunting for us spaniels and retrieving for Charlie. (Inka went home at this stage probably for a well earned snooze.) The humans are often quite noisy telling us all to keep to heel and giving various commands, so after a while Charlotte said we had to walk along a bit without any talking - it was very peaceful and we all did just as well as when there's lots of noise.  We have another lesson next week, so I can sense some practice will be planned for the next few days.

After training we came home and Mum disappeared again for a couple of hours to get some new tyres (I think they're a bit like new feet) fitted on our car.  Michael took Murphy out for a walk and because I don't like being left on my own I went too!  I was really pleased to be going out with them, and we had a lovely long walk across the fields and then along one of the lanes around our village. 

Later in the day I was pretending to snooze but overheard Michael asking Mum when we were 'meeting up with everyone at Clumber'.  Murphy thinks that means we are going to meet up with our friends for a walk later in the week ...  I hope so because we haven't seen them all for ages.