Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Post Christmas Lull

I haven't posted for a couple of days because I've been so busy keeping all my new toys in order.  Murphy and I had loads of lovely treats, frogs that croak, ducks that quack and some squeaky biscuits to name but a few of our presents.  It's quite a job keeping an eye on them all around the house.

Yesterday my human cousin Hannah and her boyfriend Chris came to see us.  I really like them both but am quite shy and nervous around people I don't see very often.  I had quite forgotten they were here when I got up this morning, but when I came in from the garden, there they were in the kitchen so I must admit I had a little woof at them.  After Hannah and Chris left, Mum and Dad took Murphy and I for a lovely and very windy walk around the fields in our village. 

Mum is trying to get Murphy to eat his two meals a day at breakfast and dinner rather than lunch and dinner.  She says it will make her life easier when we have days out or are away in our mobile kennel next summer.  I don't mind when I have my food, it just seems ages to wait for dinner when you've eaten so early in the day.  Thank goodness for the odd mid-meal biscuit treat.

I have some sad news to relay to you - one of our goldfish has died.  Mind you, he had been swimming upside down for some weeks now, so I don't think he can have been too well for some time.