Monday, 27 August 2012

This Week's News

A quiet week this week with all the usual stuff going on, you know going for walks, eating, sleeping, that sort of thing.

On Friday Victoria came to see us which was lovely.  She normally takes us for a walk when she comes, but this time Mum took her off for ice cream instead!  Ok, so we had already been for a walk once, but to go for ice cream without us was a little cheeky I thought.

On Saturday I had another lesson at Charlotte's with Holly and Kim.  It was so warm to start with that we did a little bit of hunting and then went for a swim!  It was great fun and although I've never done a proper  water retrieve, everyone was very impressed that I picked the dummy and swam about with it for a bit before dropping it again.
After that we did some recall and stop practice in the long grass.  Mum went so far away from me (she told Dad later it was about 100 yards) I couldn't see her, but I 'performed beautifully' apparently!  Then we did some sit & stay at a similar distance which I found a bit harder but managed to do well.  We finished off with some more hunting and I was brilliant!!  Charlotte said she was really pleased with the way I quartered (that's the technical term for crossing in front of Mum from side to side) and stopped to the whistle every time.

I spent the rest of Saturday resting and avoiding the heavy rain and thunder that arrived around dinner time.  Dad's at home again today and not working, so we are just getting ready to go for a walk with him around the fields.