Thursday, 29 November 2012

Still watching

Murphy writes ....

Yesterday we had a nice dry and clean walk around town which we haven't done for ages.  We also had a first .. Merlin's tailed wagged for most of the walk which is something that has NEVER happened before when we are in town.
So, I hear you ask, what was it that made him so happy?  Well, it's not 'what' but 'who' - Auntie Debbie, Duggie, Dougal and Fergus all joined us!  It was great to see them all.

Today we have been to Clumber and had another sunny, dry and clean walk, if a little cold.  In fact it was so cold Mum made us 'pick up the pace' as she puts it and allowed no dawdling.

I've had my photo taken since we got home - Mum calls me the Keeper of the Desk!