How pretty everywhere looked when we got up this morning.
We are hoping Dad will come home today to enjoy the snow with us. He was away working last week and stayed away over the weekend because he had snow where he was. I hope he didn't have too much fun without us.
Yes, this is me standing on the chair to looking out of the front window, and yes I always get told off for doing it.

We don't live near the road, so not much goes past the window except a few birds and Ajax and Rodney who live opposite. They are very cheeky and sit on our front lawn in the summer which makes me bark at them. Yes, you guessed it they are cats! We've never met nose to nose, but that doesn't stop them from teasing me and me from barking at them.
So after all the excitement of snow wears off, it's time to put some serious thought into how I can lie on my bed (like a good boy) but still be quite close to Murphy while he eats his breakfast.
Solution: move your bed a bit nearer
Question: where's my breakfast? I've already eaten it!