Saturday, 23 March 2013

Are we going away or what?

That was my first question when we got up this morning, after the essentials of a quick trip outside and having a biscuit were sorted that is.

Our caravan came home this week for the first time this year and we were all set to head off for a few days away this morning.  Mum spent most of yesterday charging about shopping, cooking, packing clothes as well as taking us for a walk. (There's a story there too because she let me off my lead and I ran off after a bird completely ignoring her calls and whistles.  I did go back to her but only after the bird flew out of the field and I couldn't follow because of the fence, which I think is very poor sportsmanship on his part.  So, I was told off and we continued our walk with me paying a little bit more attention to Mum.)

So, back to our holiday.  We have snow this morning ...

and although you can see there's not much at the moment, we are due to have some more and it's very windy.  A very nice lady at the site where we are due to stay said they are due the same later, so we've decided to stay at home today and head off tomorrow.

Not sure what's on the agenda then for today - I'm hoping for some activity involving coats and wellies later.