Monday, 22 April 2013

A water babe and a working dog!

Firstly the water babe.  Training on Saturday saw us on some very different ground, namely a big pond.  The usual gang of five were there bright and early at 8.30am and some of us more keen for a dip in the water than others.  Poor Holly and Tor needed some extra encouragement to 'go in' - in fact Tor got very good at retrieving a dummy on a line by grabbing the line and pulling that rather than fetching it in the more conventional way.

But, back to me.  I watched Sweep and Percy dive head first into the pond for their retrieves (they are Cocker Spaniels and a bit excitable) and then it was my turn.  Charlotte through in a dummy and I headed into the water (rather gingerly I should add as it was bloomin' cold), grabbed the dummy and swam straight back to Mum for lots of praise from EVERYONE!  Thankfully Charlotte had brought Rose with her to collect the dummies that Tor and Holly didn't go in for, so once she had done that we all went for a testing walk around the lake - the chance for a swim and a few ducks etc for distraction etc.  We had another chance at water work and I went in again and brought back another dummy.
We finished the lesson with a warm up exercise of some hunting, which Charlotte said I did very well.  She was especially pleased that I listened to Mum's whistle AND retrieved a dummy she threw.  Her comment at the end of the lesson was 'we'll make a retriever out of him yet'!

So, you may be thinking I am also labeling myself as a working dog, but no that accolade this week must go to Murphy.  Yesterday we were having a walk in a new wooded area we have found near home and Murphy was bobbing about along the hedge with a neighbouring field when he became a bit more structured in his bobbing, like he was following a scent.  Sure enough, a minute later he flushed a pheasant out of the hedge and (rather naughtily I thought) charged off across the field after it.  Mum blew her stop whistle and I sat down.  She then blew a recall and Murphy came running back looking very pleased with himself.

The whole episode has left me thinking.  After our recent visit to the vet Murphy has started taking some tablets for his joints.  Mum said they are very special and will help to stop him getting stiff legs as he gets older.  Well, I don't know about special they seem magical - he's only been on then for two weeks and he set off across that field like a rocket!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A birthday, early visitors and a day out!

Firstly, I must say a belated Happy Birthday to my little half-brother and bestest friend Dougal.  He was two years old yesterday, but unfortunately because his Mum is poorly he couldn't be with us on our walk.  I hope you had a great day Dougal, and I hope you will forgive me for my lateness in saying HB, but if you read on I think you will agree I had a rather busy day and was 'cream crackered' (Mum's words) by the evening.
I should also say, we have a bag of home made biscuits in the cupboard to give to you when we see you next.  I promise to keep Murphy away from them!

So, the early visitors?  At 7.30 yesterday morning, so early I hadn't even contemplated what I may be having for breakfast, the door bell rang and who should be standing there but my doggy cousin Tigger!  He had come to spend the day with us because his Dad had to go to a very important meeting somewhere.  So the first order of the day was to head outside and play.  He moves around the garden so quickly that Mum can only ever get a photo of us when he stands still for a moment!

Catching our breath!
Murphy and I had plans to meet up with some friends for a walk later in the morning, so Tigger stayed at home to keep Dad company.  We had a great walk with Milly, Google and Dougal's brother and sister Bewick and Linnet who were, obviously, also celebrating their birthday.  We had a lovely walk - I had to be on my lead for a bit of it because Mum said I wasn't listening to her when she called me.  She was right too, I was having way too much fun to listen for my name!

After our walk, we retired to a favourite place for lunch.  The humans say it serves yummy ice cream, but we've never been allowed to try any.  Dad joined everyone and Tigger came too!  I think he looks really comfy on his bed in the back of Dad's car.

After lunch we went back home and after Mum had taken Tigger for a walk, I entertained him until his Dad came to collect him which was quite late.  We were getting worried because we don't have any greyhound dinner in our house, but I think he would have happliy eaten what we had if he needed to, after all he had tried to steal Murphy's breakfast.
Dad said he was very well behaved and a pleasure to have in the house, if a little bit big!  He slept for most of the morning (quite like us) and didn't bark at anything (unlike us) so I think he will be invited back some time.

I really enjoyed my day, but was sad that Auntie Debbie, Uncle Dave and their gang weren't able to be with us.  I really hope you are feeling better soon Auntie Debbie.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Another fallen tree ..

.. another photo opportunity, according to Mum that is!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


TO ME!!!!

I am four years old today (must update my profile on here) and so far have had quite an uneventful morning.  We had a lazy start to the day as Mum had her usual cup of tea in bed reading, and then the usual breakfast which was nice, don't get me wrong, but nothing special.

Mum said she is keeping my birthday cake until later in the day, and if it's the same as Murphy had last week then I can't wait because that was yummy!

Dad's had to go away for work this week, but he did call this morning to say hello and, I like to think, wish me a Happy Birthday.  I know he's sad at missing my special day, but hey someone has to earn major biscuit money.

I should also today say Happy Birthday to my sister Plover who like me is four today too.  I am very excited as we are having a Welshie meet-up next week when I will see all my friends, some of them for the first time this year, including Plover along with Bewick and Linnet.  They are brother and sister to Dougal who you all know is a great friend of ours ... and when we meet next week it will their birthday but they are only two, still we may get cake again.  What do you say Mum?

So Happy Birthday to Plover and Me and any other doggy reading this out there who is lucky enough to share our special day.

Saturday, 6 April 2013


I was up and out early (well by 8am) today for another training session.  It all went very well - we did some 'watch me' practice and then went into the big field to do some hunting.  There were LOADS of rabbits and hares charging about all over the place, but none of us chased them and all concentrated on our hunting.

After a while Charlotte fired her dummy launcher (a noisy thing but it makes the dummy go much further than she could throw it) and I spotted where one of the dummys landed - the technical term for this is marking.  For the first one, Charlotte let her very pretty Labrador called Rose go and fetch it, but what a surprise when she did it again and I was allowed to have a go at retrieving.
Mum was convinced I had marked the dummy and I had - I did a lovely retrieve straight back to Mum's hands with a very waggy tail as I was very pleased with myself.

We carried on hunting until it was time to head home and then, I am afraid to admit, I lost the plot a bit.  It was all because a pesky bird flew overhead and distracted me by calling 'chase me Merlin'.  Actually it didn't say that, but I chased it anyway which resulted in Mum shouting at me to stop, which I didn't do, until I saw Charlotte running to cut off my line of chase.  It was at this point I decided against my line of action, turned swiftly on my tail and headed back to Mum who was cross but also laughing with Auntie Kim because they said I had a very funny look on my face as I scuttled back.

Overall though I think Mum was happy with me, and I had a short rest in the car with a piece of liver cake as a reward whilst she went and had tea and cake - again!!

New neighbours

Imagine my surprise when we went for a walk yesterday and saw some new folk had moved into one of the fields at the end of the village.

Mum says they are Highland Cattle, so they are a long way from home.  The one in the middle looks happy enough though having a good scratch!

Friday, 5 April 2013

The Vet

Yesterday we had a visit to the vet for our annual check up and injections.  Unfortunately Mum got us there a bit early for our appointment, so we had to wait a few minutes before being seen.  Murphy sat nicely whilst I took the opportunity to hide under a chair in the hope I would be forgotten!

No such luck!

I have to say the vet we saw was very nice and said we both looked very well and handsome.  He gave Mum some special tablets for Murphy because he is getting older now and needs to take stuff to stop him getting stiff joints apparently.  I was fine!!

We were also made to stand on the scales to be weighed which was ok , but in the middle of the waiting room??  It could have been very embarrassing if we had put on weight but thankfully we hadn't but had lost 1kg each which in 12 months is not too impressive!  Mum was happy with our weight, and because we were good we had some chocolate when we got back into the car.
So perhaps going to the vet isn't too bad after all?

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Happy Birthday Murphy

My one and only brother is ten years old today, and I have to admit he is looking very regal in this picture taken on his/our day bed in Mum's office.

We've already had a nice day - a walk in the sunshine and some of our chocolate Easter Egg - but as that important time of day approaches, we are hoping for something special for dinner tonight!

Happy Birthday Murphy!