Friday, 5 April 2013

The Vet

Yesterday we had a visit to the vet for our annual check up and injections.  Unfortunately Mum got us there a bit early for our appointment, so we had to wait a few minutes before being seen.  Murphy sat nicely whilst I took the opportunity to hide under a chair in the hope I would be forgotten!

No such luck!

I have to say the vet we saw was very nice and said we both looked very well and handsome.  He gave Mum some special tablets for Murphy because he is getting older now and needs to take stuff to stop him getting stiff joints apparently.  I was fine!!

We were also made to stand on the scales to be weighed which was ok , but in the middle of the waiting room??  It could have been very embarrassing if we had put on weight but thankfully we hadn't but had lost 1kg each which in 12 months is not too impressive!  Mum was happy with our weight, and because we were good we had some chocolate when we got back into the car.
So perhaps going to the vet isn't too bad after all?