Sunday, 16 June 2013


Yesterday I went along to a lesson with Charlotte and I have to admit it wasn't my finest hour and a half!  I was happy to be there because Auntie Kim and the girls were there, although Milly stayed with Murphy in the cat whilst Holly and I had the lesson.  There was also three new spaniels I hadn't met before - Twig, Penny and Bob - all much younger than me and Holly and very bouncy.  I was feeling very shy and didn't really say hello to any of the newbies.

We started with some heel work (mine wasn't very good) and then moved onto some hunting which Mum and Charlotte said was good.  Then we came to the 'rabbit on a string' which tests our steadiness and because Charlotte said Holly and I are 'advanced' (bit of a shocker) Mum and Auntie Kim headed off down the field and left us on our own.

I was VERY good and didn't go after the rabbit, but I am ashamed to say I didn't like it when Charlotte stood near me at the end of the exercise.  In fact I felt so uncomfortable that I re-positioned myself further down the line away from her and waited for Mum to come back to me.  Mum said I was being silly and she doesn't understand why I am scared of Charlotte as she is nice and has never been cross with me.  I agree with all of that, I just sense that if I was really naughty Charlotte wouldn't be happy and I don't want that!

I think I can safely say yesterday was not my best day .... still we're off on holiday tomorrow!  Yipee!!