Saturday, 15 February 2014

Photo Queen Fails!

Last Monday I went with Mum to meet Auntie Debbie, Inca and Dougal for a walk at Clumber.  It was a lovely sunny day, but best of all I ran free for almost all of the walk.  Auntie Debbie said later it was like I was 'one of hers' which is a lovely thing to say.

Mum failed me though.  Of all the times that a picture of me running around with my best friend/little brother and my girlfriend would have be really nice ......guess who didn't get the her camera out??

We are meeting again next Monday so she will have another chance.

It's been a funny week as I have been having solo walks because Murphy has hurt his leg quite badly.  We don't know what he has done, but he has to be looked after very carefully and kept warm at home.  He is not to go yomping about in the wind and rain, which actually I think he is quite pleased about! 
He is still barking, eating up all his food and happy to come outside with me, so he will be fine after a couple of weeks rest.  I am finding it quite difficult being careful around him though and do occasionally bump into him which makes him squeak.  I am sorry if you hurt when I bump you Murphy, I don't mean to.

Last night was very interesting as Murphy, me and Mum all slept in the dining room so as Murphy didn't have to navigate the stairs.  It was quite exciting - Dad brought down a mattress for Mum and we had our beds brought in.  We all settled down nicely to go to sleep when Mum suddenly realised that I can get a fantastic view of the garden from the big windows.

I was very good and didn't bark at anything all night!