Monday, 5 May 2014

Long weekend

We've had three lovely sunny mornings this weekend and so have had early walks in Clumber on each day.  It's exhausting all this running off lead stuff.  Dad reckons I've run at least a mile more than everyone else each day.

We also think we've had a bit of a break through this weekend with trying to understand why Murphy has been sound asleep most evenings.  Not unusual for a chap I would admit, but not what one would expect from our Murph when it comes to Chew Time. 

To explain for those who don't know us that well, Chew Time happens every evening at 9pm or earlier if Murphy is being persuasive or sitting in front of the tv screen.  These days we have a Laughing Dog Biscuit Cake, before I came along Murphy used to have a Dentastix.  On some occasions in the last few weeks, Mum has had to wake Murphy up to have his biscuit and now we think we know why ... she has been giving him one of his tablets for his stiff joints at dinner time and she thinks they make him sleepy, hence fast asleep under the curtains all evening!

Last night he didn't have his tablet at dinner time and guess what ..... we had Chew Time early!!  Nice one S'Murph.