Saturday, 30 August 2014


Just catching up on some sleep after our mid-week holiday with Aunty Debbie, Fergus and Inca.

We've had a great time in Northamptonshire staying on a lovely site near Bulwick.  It was really quiet with the most fantastic dog walk ever. 

The Fab Four
Keeping watch
Waiting for Breakfast
On Thursday Fergus and Inca put their crate in the back of Mum's car
and we all went to Barnwell Country Park
where it has to be said, some of us swam more than we walked and then got told off for not responding when called by Mum .....I did when Aunty Debbie called me though and then went home to the van for a big sleep.

Murphy and I had a lovely time and would like to thank Fergus, Inca and of course Aunty Debbie for being such great company.
It was nice to come home yesterday to see Dad - poor chap had been left on his own all week and said he had missed us.  Our next mission is to take him back to where we stayed because I want to show him the dog walk and Mum said there are some nice pubs with great food there too.  Typical!