Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Monday morning drama

There we were all in the car with towels, coats and wellies for the hoomans ...oh and some Christmas sausages for us digs as compensation for the hoomans having a big lunch ... when Mum's car decided to curl up and die.

Not to be put off, we transferred everything into Dad's car and set off to meet up with Milly and then Fergus, Inca and Max.  We had a lovely walk around the park at Thoresby and managed to get quite muddy.  Then it was back to the cars for our long awaited sausages and then a lovely snooze. 

Once again the hoomans let me down by not taking any photos of us clean or dirty.  Maybe next time.

An update on the car ....   a very nice man arrived on Tuesday morning and got it started.  He said it needed a new battery as it is five years old.  Dad took it into town and got a new one fitted, so we are all happy and mobile again.

I am a bit worried though.  I am five years old too - will I need a new battery soon?   Mum says NO, I am like the Duracell Bunny whatever that is.