Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Post Christmas weigh-in

So there we were thinking we were off out somewhere nice in the car and we ended up at the vets for our regular weigh-in.

Now most hoomans (and some dogs) do put on weight over the Christmas period ... but not ME!!  Oh no, I have lost a little bit since November and now come in at 23.7kgs.  Mum said she is very pleased with me, although I still have a little bit to loose.

Now Murphy on the other hand has put weight on and is now 23kgs which Mum said is ok but doesn't want to be any higher. 

What I want to know is where has he been getting all the extra food and treats from to put on weight?  I have clearly been missing out somewhere.  Dad thinks it is from the extra biscuits Mum gives him when he gets her up in the night to go outside ...now we know why he wakes her and not Dad - Dad doesn't give him the extra biscuit to go back to bed with!

He's a smart boy our Murphy!!