The CLA Game fair was held at Harewood House last weekend and here is a photo of all the Welshies who attended and did a sterling job representing the rest of us in the Sporting Gundog Pavilion.
(Fergus is 7th from the right in case you haven't spotted him)
Photo courtesy of Paul Stevenson |
So as well as spending his weekend being an ambassador for our breed, Fergus has also found time to write down his thoughts and memories of 'the walk'. Here are the first few lines as a taster
Fergus writes:On 1st Jan this year I overheard my humans discussing the idea of walking Wainwright’s Coast to Coast - 192 miles from St Bees to Robin Hood’s Bay. Apparently this was something Mum had wanted to do since school................. now that’s a VERY long time!!
Wow! I thought, that sounds like fun - they’d better take me with them or there’ll be trouble!
You can read the full report through a link on the Events page of our website at