Saturday, 24 September 2016

Holiday at home

We were supposed to be away last week, but Mum did something to her back and was using stick things to walk about with for a couple of days, so we decided to stay at home where she would be more comfortable.

Dad was off work, so he was 'an absolute star' (Mum's words) doing loads of stuff around the house and taking me for long walks - all things she couldn't do.  Cheekily, he also managed to find the time to buy a new camera and I am hoping for some photos taken with it to be available soon.  We did have a day at Gibraltar Point and also the Attenborough Nature Reserve near Nottingham but on both days he took his new toy with him but then never used it!

Today Dad has gone to Southwell Ploughing Match so hopefully we will have a few more positive results.  Here is one photo he posted on Facebook at lunchtime and which I should admit I have stolen.

Mum is much better and managed to have a short lesson on Mena on Thursday.  They did their first jump which was so small that Mena decided it wasn't a jump at all and walked through it!  Ella raised the poles and they managed to clear it the second time around.  Still a way to go before being ready for some proper cross country - maybe next year - although there is talk of doing a simple dressage test sometime soon!