Friday, 30 December 2016


Not so many photos of presents this year, Dad seemed to be concentrating on food and especially me eating loads and feeling the after effects.

Christmas Day was really nice with a lovely sausage for breakfast followed by a few treats from our stockings and then a full turkey dinner later in the day.  Embarrassingly he filmed me enjoying my dinner and then posted it on my Facebook page for everyone to see.

Waiting for pudding

Feeling stuffed!
We got loads of treats and new toys, one of which Mum has taken off me as she said I was getting a bit 'territorial' with it.  Mena got a new fleece and head collar which looked very smart.

Then on Tuesday we had a trip to a big horse superstore and she got another fleece (apparently she needs a different one when she travels anywhere) and another turnout rug which makes 4 all of varying cosiness.

Lovely crisp walks this week and looking forward to more over the weekend.

Happy New Year and I hope your resolutions are all good ones .. and achievable!  I haven't decided on mine yet but I am sure Mum will tell me what they are over the weekend.