Thursday, 23 June 2011

Lincolnshire Show

Murphy and I were taken to the Lincolnshire Show yesterday and had a lovely day with Aunty Debbie, Fergus and Milly.  Sadly there are no photos of our visit as Sandra said she and Aunty Debbie had enough on their hands with the four of us.  They seemed to manage those bacon rolls and cups of tea quite well though.

Dogs have not been allowed at the show before and there weren't many there yesterday either.  We met some very nice people as we walked around who knew that we were Welshies which is always a bonus.  Unfortunately for me there were loads of school children visiting the show, but we managed to avoid most of them.

Murphy and I were really tired by the time we got home so are having a quieter day today.  Sandra's Mum is coming to visit for the weekend later and she is looking after us tomorrow when Sandra and Aunty Debbie have another day out but this time without us!