Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Visiting time

Sandra went to see the newest member of our Welshie group yesterday.  Dougal (who I am told has the same doggy Mum as me) has gone to live with Uncle Dave, Aunty Debbie and their boys.  Apparently he is really cute and very cuddly.  Not sure if I'm too keen on Sandra getting all her cuddles from any Welshie except me and Murphy.

Anyway, you can check Dougal out on our website www.welshspringers.org.uk or visit his blog at http://dougaldogblog.blogspot.com/ where he will be sharing his training tips over the coming months.  Sandra says I must read them because I might learn something .. cheek, I'm perfect!

Yesterday afternoon we went to see Sandra's family to deliver a belated birthday present to Hannah.  We stayed for our tea (yummy chicken) and came home very late.

Today is Tuesday so I'm off to class later.  Must go and make sure Sandra's packed some of that liver cake I saw her taking out of the freezer this morning.