Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Two seasons

For some of my friends, especially Fergus and Max, the year is split into two seasons - one during the winter for working and the other the rest of the year which is the 'chance to go away for the weekend' season.  Murphy and I don't do the first season, but for us I think the second season has arrived.  Our mobile kennel (or caravan as Mum insists on calling it) has been packed away in storage all winter, but it came home at the weekend for a wash (by Dad) and is sitting on the drive as I write. 

Murphy and I have been to check that everything we left in it last year is still there - our dinner and water bowls, towels, couple of toys etc. and they were, so that's all fine as long as Mum remembers we need to pack food too.  A boy can't live by toys alone!