Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Yesterday we went to see Aunty Debbie and her boys.  It was all a bit strange when we arrived because they have some men at the house fitting a new kitchen, so Mum parked our car in the field which was really handy for a drink after we had a big play.  Max had gone out with Uncle Dave, so it was just us Welshies playing before we got back in the car for a rest while Mum and Aunty Debbie had a sit down, with tea and cake of course.

I have a training lesson on Saturday and I heard a whisper that Dougal is coming to the lesson too, which makes sense of why we had to do some sensible stuff in the field later in the afternoon.  We did heel work, sit and stay, recall and so on.  Apparently, we both did really well.  I did notice that Dougal got a couple of treats for being good but I didn't - do they stop when you are nearly three?  I did get a biscuit in the car before we headed home for dinner and a big rest, so I guess I did ok out of it all.