Saturday, 2 June 2012

A new month

... and we started it yesterday with a trip to the vet!  Dad took us because Mum was off doing a horsey thing, and I got left in the car as it is Murphy who is poorly.  He has a poorly leg and a very bad limp when he walks, but the nice lady vet didn't think it is anything serious and has given him some medicine.  

I've decided medicine for Murphy is a good thing, because after Mum gives him a dose he gets a small treat for being a good boy .. and I get one too!

Another good piece of news from yesterday is that I got weighed. That's not the good news as such - I have lost half a kilo and Mum is very pleased with me, although she says she's not sure how much of that is due to being on a diet and how much to the mega grooming session I had recently with Aunty Debbie!

I got to go for a walk on my own yesterday as Murphy isn't allowed to go far.  He isn't allowed on the sofa or the bed at the moment either because it hurts his leg when he jumps, but he has been for a walk through the village this morning with Mum and seemed to enjoy it.  I stayed behind and helped Dad in the garden!