Saturday, 9 June 2012

Training update

So, I'm back from my lesson and Mum has re-christened me Super Dog!!!

We had a really good time today with Charlotte saying that all three of us, Percy, Holly and me, having improved since last time.  She was particularly pleased with me because I did everything right AND did loads of retrieving.  I'll tell you the full story....

Firstly we did some heel work and stop to the whistle (which we had practiced on our walk yesterday) and then some stops mid way through a recall.  After that Charlotte put a memory retrieve into the exercise: Mum threw a dummy, turned me around and we walked away - we stopped on a whistle and then I was told 'go fetch' and I did. Mum was especially pleased as not only did I bring the dummy back to her, but I had remembered where it was too.  I was so good, I had another go and 'fetched' again.

After that we went into the big field to do some hunting.  The grass was so long I had to bounce to see where I was going.  Holly and Percy did their hunting and retrieving first, then it was my turn.  I hunted nicely off lead and then Mum whistled - I stopped and Charlotte threw a dummy and I retrieved it and brought it back to Mum!  We carried on hunting for a bit more and then did it all over again. Finally we went back into the enclosed field and did a bit more whistle work and then we were done. 

I really enjoyed the lesson today and Mum was so pleased with me I got a biscuit when we got back to the car.  We came straight home and when she told Dad what I had done, he could hardly believe I had been so clever.   I'm off for a lie down now as I'm shattered.  I never knew retrieving could be so tiring, I don't know how Fergus and Max manage to do it all day long when they are working.  Perhaps you just get used to it.