Monday, 22 October 2012


Dad's been away all week, so Murphy and I have been kept very busy looking after Mum.  We've taken her for some nice walks, went to work with her on Friday morning and on Saturday went Christmas shopping! And the good news there is that the things she bought were for us!!  I know that for a fact because I got a good sniff of the carrier bag as she hid it in what she thinks is a secret Christmas draw under the spare bed.

Tomorrow we are going out for the day to somewhere we've never been before - Grassmoor Country Park.  I think it's near where Google lives (that's Google the Welshie and her Mum Jennifer not any other Google you may have heard of) and we are meeting her along with, hopefully, my sister and some of her gang and Milly with her sister.  It should be a good day out, so watch this space for all the news.

Sadly Auntie Debbie and all of her boys and girls can't come tomorrow as they are now a working pack and are too busy.  I'm sure we'll get to see them when they have a day off soon.