Wednesday, 3 October 2012


What a lovely surprise Murphy and I had yesterday. 

About mid morning, just when I was beginning to wonder when we would be going out for our walk, Auntie Debbie arrived at the front door.  We hadn't seen her for ages, so gave her a big and noisy welcome and got lots of fuss in return.  After she had a cup of tea we got an even bigger surprise when we went outside and out of her car popped Fergus, Duggie and Dougal!  They had all come to go for a walk with us.

We took them on the walk we did on Saturday across the fields which they all seemed to enjoy.  Dougal flushed a bird and did some hunting in the hedges - he'll be going to his first proper shooting day soon, so it was all good experience for him.

At the end of our walk we headed home back through the village for a big drink, a biscuit and a lie down.  Never ones to miss an opportunity for lunch and an ice cream, Mum and Auntie Debbie then headed off to a favourite place near us to satisfy their appetites!

We had a lovely day - sunshine and the best of friends for company.  What more could I ask for??