Not to be outdone by a youngster, Fergus has kindly written a piece for me about his recent experience at a working test. I don't have a photo of him at the test (if you read to the bottom of the piece you will see why), so have posted a photo of him and all the stuff he won in his heyday during the 2008/09 season. I think it shows he knows a thing or three.
As most of my friends will know I have been rather busy
recently imparting my great wisdom and knowledge to two young pretenders, also
known as my 'sisters' Dery and Lola.
For young 'uns they're both really quite smart, though I'd never admit that to
Anyway, let me take you back to May, when I was supporting
Dery in the Working Minority Breeds Spaniel Club working test...........or so I
Unbeknown to me (and Mum!!) Aunty Tina had entered me in the
Test too, which was also a Kennel Club Working Gundog Certificate assessment. I
think it's fair to say Mum was in a state of shock and panic when she found
out! She muttered something about me not having done a working test for 7 years
- I ask you, what a cheek, did she think I couldn't remember what to do?
First of all I had to do a walk up with several other dogs
and handlers, a bit like being in a beating line, but we dogs had to walk to
heel off lead. Several of the other dogs didn’t know they had to wait to be
sent for the dummies when they were thrown, but I did, and I waited patiently
for my turn. Next I had to walk to heel off lead again while another dog hunted
and did a retrieve next to me. Then I got to do some hunting, I had to sit when
a shot was fired, then a dummy was thrown and when the judge had told Mum I
could get the dummy I went and found it and took it to Mum. The last thing I
had to do was retrieve a dummy from over an obstacle. The obstacle was a fallen
tree, with lots of interesting smells on - much more interesting to a lad who's
retrieved thousands of birds than a boring canvas dummy, but after a good old
sniff I picked the dummy anyway and took it back to Mum.
When the results of the test were announced I was rather
pleased to be awarded 2nd place and even happier when the names of those who
had been awarded their KCWGC were read out. There were only 5 passes, but I was
one of them!
I'm so glad Aunty Tina entered me and had faith in me, even
if Mum didn't! It was great to show off to everyone and prove there's life in
the old dog yet!!
I haven't actually got my certificate yet,
apparently I am going to Crufts in March to be presented with it there. How
exciting is that? Watch this space for a full report in due course.
Trophies and ribbons 2008/09 |