Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Interesting lesson

My lesson last night was very interesting.  It was great to see Percy, Holly and Sweep and before we started we had our usual run around to 'let off steam' as the humans like to say.  We started with some heel work and straight away Mum had me with no lead and no collar.  After that we went into the big field and did some more heel work and steadiness - sitting while the humans collected balls and dummies.  I did this all off lead too and was particularly good at one point - Mum went to fetch a ball, I sat still and a bunny ran across the field!  I saw it (didn't move), all the other boys and girls saw it, Charlotte saw it - Mum didn't! After that we did some hunting and again I was off my lead.  Mum said I did very well as I responded to her whistle and commands quickly and didn't charge off. 

It was all going so well and I was looking forward to a treat when we got back to the car.  Then, to finish the lesson we had to walk close to a cage with a rabbit in.  We were to walk within about 5 yards of the cage, I should add that the rabbit is tame and very used to dogs doing this and in fact wasn't interested in us at all.  We were to sit and stay, ignore the rabbit and then answer a recall away from him.

I went first. 

I failed miserably. 

I got so excited I couldn't even get near the cage before Mum pulled me away for not walking nicely.  Eventually the distance between me and the rabbit was extended and I managed to do the exercise, but kept an eye on the bunny the whole time.  Apparently we are going to try it again in our next lesson.