Tuesday, 17 April 2012

To awning or not?

Today we've had a quiet day relaxing at the site where we are staying.  Well, I say quiet ... it's sooo noisy here what with the sheepdog man with his whistle and the wind.

After we went to bed last night it started to rain really hard and it got very windy.  Our new awning started to flap about a bit and Dad had to get up in the middle of the night to check it was all still secure.  It was - and I should add here what a good job the humans did of putting it up when we arrived, especially as it hadn't been out of its bag.

Today it hasn't rained quite as much as last night but it is still very windy.  Mum and Dad have been trying to decide whether to leave the awning up or not tonight and I think it's staying up .. at least until tomorrow when it's not meant to be as windy.  Apparently, if it catches the wind it could fly off and we don't want that because  we need it for our next holiday.  Strangely the man next door to us arrived yesterday and put up his awning.  This morning it had gone, but this afternoon he was putting it up again!  Just when you thought you'd figured these humans out ...!