Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Not a good day

It's been very windy here today and very rainy, so we've not been able to get out much.  Then, after lunch Mum put us in the car and said we were going out.... Murphy and I were really excited until we saw where we were going - THE VET!

Mum said it was just for our annual check-up and not to worry.  I must admit the vet was really nice even though he laughed at me because I was sitting in the corner trying to make myself look small and shaking.  He checked our eyes, ears and teeth, gave us both an injection and then we were done.  We made a quick stop to be weighed before heading back out to the car while Mum gave the nice lady some money.

Mum said we had both been very good and gave us a small biscuit when we got back into the car.  She also said something that sounded a bit like 'that's it for treats, you're both on a diet'.  I'm not sure what that means really, but as long as I don't have to go back to the vet again until next year and get my dinner tonight I'll be happy.