Ok, so I told you that Aunty Debbie gave me a grooming session the other day. Well, today Mum has had another go at me - she said my ears were a real mess. Unluckily for me her new coat brush that she ordered (it's just like the one Aunty Debbie used) arrived as we were mid-groom, so of course she had to have a go with that too.
Anyway, I thought you might like to see a before and after shot of me, because I do have to admit I'm half the dog I used to be and but so much smarter.
Before ... taken a couple of months ago at Clumber ....
You have to admit I am looking rather woolly here ... so to my After shot ......
Mum says I am still a 'work in progress'. Can I just add - she had a go with the new brush thing on Murphy and got loads of old hair off him too!