Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Today's outing

Off we went to Clumber this morning for a walk and what an interesting time both Murphy and I had.  Firstly Murphy did what us Springer Spaniels are meant to do when we work and flushed out a pheasant.  As usual, our Murphy did the job in his own way and trod on the bird.  Mum says she doesn't know who was more surprised the pheasant or Murphy - he certainly seemed a bit stunned to me as he watched the bird fly away across the field.

I had my own bit of fun later when I decided to investigate the ground underneath one of the big trees on Limetree Avenue.  Now I always think to investigate properly you need to have a good dig ...

... but it's quite a tiring occupation and sadly this time I didn't find anything interesting.

Oh well, back to the car for a well earned drink.