Tuesday, 22 May 2012

A Day Out

Yesterday we went to see Aunty Debbie for the day because Mum had a man at the house cleaning all our windows and doors and didn't want us barking at him all day.  That's not to say that we need an excuse to visit Aunty Debbie because we all love to, it just explains why we went yesterday.

I am pleased to report that Fergus is feeling quite well, although he wasn't allowed to play with Dougal and me in case he hurt his neck.  Aunty Debbie said she was glad when I arrived because Dougal was desperate to play with someone .. so we were very good and charged around the garden for quite a while before retiring to the house for a drink and a rest.
A bit later I had a surprise grooming session with Aunty Debbie.  She showed Mum how to get all of the extra hair I have out of my coat to make me look loads smarter (and a bit cooler I should add).  They were both really pleased with the result and I felt quite proud of my smart new look when we went for a walk later in the day.

As usual, food came into the plan for the day and after my grooming session, we all went off to a lovely hotel nearby for Mum and Aunty Debbie to have lunch. 

Dougal got to go too and sit out on the terrace with them, but later we joined them and had a walk around the lovely gardens.  We boys went for a rest when Mum said they were going to take some photos in the gardens.  I think that was just an excuse for more food, because when they had finished they needed tea and cake!

We had a lovely (and what Mum would call civilised) day and can't wait to go back for another visit.