Sunday, 30 September 2012

Wildlife walks

I know we live in the country and not in town, but goodness the amount of wildlife we have seen over the last couple of days has surprised me.
Last week when we were out for a walk with Dad after work, we had a great view of an owl sweeping over the field in front of us - Dad said he was looking for his dinner.  Then to top off the evening, we had another hedgehog in the garden.  This one was much smaller than the one we had a few weeks ago.  Dad managed to catch him and took him down to the field in the village to let him go.

Yesterday we all went out together for a big walk which took us along the road than runs behind our village for a bit and then across the fields to walk a big circle.  As we were walking along the road, what we think were two weasels (they moved so quickly it was hard to tell) appeared in front of us.  One ran right across our path to the other side of the road!  Both Murphy and I were very excited by all this and spent quite a while hunting for the second one which had ducked back into the hedge when it saw us.

Later when we were in the field Dad let me off my lead for a run around.

I found a hare which took off across the field with me in hot pursuit.  OK, so I know I was a bit naughty and didn't stop when I was called, but it was so exciting!

I followed him into a field of sweetcorn ...

 .. which as you can see was really dense.  Mum stood at the edge of the field calling and whistling me to come back.  And, after a few minutes, I did!

I think she must have thought she had lost me because she was really pleased to see me and gave me a big hug.  Actually, I was quite pleased she kept calling me because I couldn't see very much in there, so she helped me find my way out!