Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Only 3 sleeps

It's only 3 sleeps to go before we head off on our summer holiday and Murphy and I are soooo excited!!

The caravan (our kennel on wheels) came home at the weekend and we've been busy sorting out all the stuff we need to take with us.  You know, things like  ... biscuits, treats, dinner bowls, beds, leads and collars for the beach, towels, a couple of toys ... that sort of thing. 

Mum's been busy making a list of what she needs to do before we go - it seems quite a  lot but I am pleased to say 'food for boys' is quite near the top of it.  I've also seen 'trim boys' listed as a thing to do.  Hmmm, let's hope she's too busy doing the other stuff to get around to that one!