Saturday, 15 September 2012

South Milton Beach

Today we were up and out quite early to visit what is fast becoming our favourite beach of this holiday.  We planned to go early to see as much beach as possible with the tide out, and were surprised to see so many rocks compared to when we were there a few days ago. (Compare this picture with the one posted earlier this week.)

We were even more surprised to see this heron  busy looking for his breakfast in the rock pools.

Enough of the scenery and wildlife, Murphy and I had a great time.  While the others all walked up the beach, I swam along side of them.

At the far end of the beach are some more great rocks for climbing on...

Murphy did his usual posing for Dad..

... until I burst in on the act
What you looking at Murph??

Oh, today's arty picture.  There's two - one of the lovely clear (and cold) water in the rock pools and one of the rocks we are climbing on in the picture above