Monday, 31 December 2012

It's that time of year

Mum's been busy filling in all the important days in her new diary - important days being birthdays which always come with cake or home made biscuits.

She's also said I have to make a new year revolution, you know about being good or doing something that you don't really like doing.  So, I've decided for next year I will:

1. be good when being groomed (it sometimes takes ages and I fidget a bit)

2. try not to bark too much (and avoid that smelly collar)

3. be good when we go out for walks and back to training, listen when I'm being called and respond accordingly (i.e. come back when Mum whistles)

and my favourite

4. continue to be a loveable, cuddly rogue and enjoy my life with Murphy, Mum and Dad.

Ahhh, I can be so cute sometimes

Happy New Year to all my friends, I look forward to seeing you soon and having some fun in 2013!