Sunday, 23 December 2012

Two sleeps

Only two sleeps to go and it's Christmas!!  I'm SO excited and can't wait to get my paws around all those presents under the tree!

Yesterday we went to see my doggy cousin Tigger.  We were able to get out into the garden and have a play which was great fun.  We bounced and played chase - he's very fast because he's a greyhound.  I quickly realised that he prefers to run around the garden  anti-clockwise  ....
 ... how sneaky am I for running the other way which really threw him!

We got on really well, until it came to dinner time.  Mum gave Murphy and I our dinner at the same as Tigger had his, but there was so much going on (other humans had arrived and they were all sitting down to eat) that I didn't eat mine and Murphy left half of his.  Mum picked up our bowls and said we could have dinner when we got home.  She put them in her back on a chair in the kitchen.
A little while later we realised that Tigger had been very quiet and found that he had pulled Mum's bag off the kitchen chair, emptied all of the contents across the floor and into the hall, taken the covers off our dinner bowls and EATEN THE LOT! 

Mum said we couldn't tell him off because we hadn't seen him do it.  I know exactly who ate my dinner and it WASN'T ME.