Friday, 28 December 2012

That's it then

It's all over and we had a very nice, if quiet Christmas.

Me having a quiet moment!
 Mum was feeling very poorly all this week and hasn't been able to go out with us at all - Dad's been a hero and taken us out for a walk every day whatever the weather, and we've needed it eating all that turkey that Mum couldn't manage!

Dad took these photos of us with some of our presents..


I heard a little story yesterday that my cousin Tigger, not happy with stealing my dinner last Saturday also stole a WHOLE turkey leg from the cooked bird BEFORE any of the humans had even sat down to their dinner.  Apparently he just nicked it off the table.  Mum said he was a 'cheeky monkey' .  I think she might have said something else if it had been me wot done it!

Just before Christmas we brought home some more new fish.  These new guys (6 of them) are called Harlequin Rasbora and are very small and very fast, hence the not so good photo of them.

We now have eleven fish and loads of room in the tank for more.  Not sure what's coming next, something a bit easier to spot hopefully.

So we are having a few more quiet days and then Dad says it will be time for new ear?  I thought we had one of those a while ago, but it seems they come around every year.